1. Tyler Johnson           1.00

2. Jonah Davis              1.40

3. Josh Saulsbury         2.28​​

4. Denym Padilla          2.63

5. Landen Rainwater    2.75

Batting Average

1.  Tyler Johnson             .385

1.  Jax Todd                     .385

3.  Tanner McLelland       .383

4.  Denym Padilla            .381

5.  Cason Blunt               .359​​




1.  Tyler Johnson         30

2.  Landen Rainwater  22

3.  Chase Brumley       21

4.  Cason Blunt            13

5.  Sawyer Cropper      11

​5.  Ashton Yarbrough    11

2022 Team Leaders                              Record: 28 - 10 - 1 (12 - 2 Zone)

El Dorado Oilers

​​​Prayer of a Sportsman

Dear Lord, in the battle that goes on through life
I ask but a field that is fair,
A chance that is equal with all in the strife,
A courage to strive and to dare;

And if should win, let it be by the code
With my faith and my honor held high;
And if I should lose, let me stand by the road,
And cheer as the winners go by.

And Lord, may my shouts be ungrudging and clear,
A tribute that comes from the heart,
And let me not cherish a snarl or a sneer
Or play any sniveling part;

Let me say, "There they ride, on whom laurel's bestowed
Since they played the game better than I."
Let me stand with a smile by the side of the road,
And cheer as the winners go by.

So grant me to conquer, if conquer I can,
By proving my worth in the fray,
But teach me to lose like a regular man,
And not like a craven, I pray;

Let me take off my hat to the warriors who strode
To victory splendid and high,
Yea, teach me to stand by the side of the road
And cheer as the winners go by.

-Berton Braley


1.  Landen Rainwater        25

2.  Cason Blunt                  17

3.  Jake Eubanks               16

3.  Tanner McLelland         16

4.  Ashton Yarbrough         15

5.  Chase Brumley             12 

​​​Upcoming Games

Arkansas AAA Senior

State Tournament

Week of July 18th-25th

Monday, July 18~

Pool Play Day #1

Majestic Park in Hot Springs, AR~

Fort Smith 03   Russellville 00

Bryant 12   Haskell 02

Texarkana 07   Arkadelphia 04

El Dorado 04   Russellville 01

Bear Stadium in Conway, AR~

Cabot 11   Clinton 01

Paragould 05   Maumelle 03

Mountain Home 04   NLR 02

NC Arkansas 10   Sheridan 07

Tuesday, July 19~

Pool Play Day #2

Majestic Park in Hot Springs, AR~

Fort Smith 09   El Dorado 03

Bryant 04   Texarkana 01

Haskell 02   Arkadelphia 00

Bear Stadium in Conway, AR~

NC Arkansas 09   Maumelle 07

Paragould 09   Sheridan 04

Cabot 09   Mountain Home 01

N Little Rock 10   Clinton 04

Wednesday, July 20~

Pool Play Day #3

Majestic Park in Hot Springs, AR~

Bryant 15   Arkadelphia 01

El Dorado 09   Fort Smith 03

Texarkana 05   Haskell 01

Bear Stadium in Conway, AR~

Mountain Home 11   Clinton 01

Paragould 26   NC Arkansas 03

Sheridan 16   Maumelle 12

Cabot 17   N Little Rock 03

Thursday, July 21~

Double Elimination Day #1

Bear Stadium in Conway, AR~

Cabot 10   NC Arkansas 00

Bryant 14   El Dorado 10

Paragould 06   Mountain Home 02

Texarkana 11   Fort Smith 05

Friday, July 22~

Double Elimination Day #2

Bear Stadium in Conway, AR~

El Dorado 12   NC Arkansas 09

Fort Smith 11   Mountain Home 01

Bryant 08   Cabot 06

Paragould 12   Texarkana 02

Saturday, July 23~

Double Elimination Day #3

El Dorado 16   Cabot 03

Fort Smith 04   Texarkana 03

Paragould 08   Bryant 02

Fort Smith 05   El Dorado 03

Sunday, July 24~

6 p.m.:  Bryant vs. Fort Smith

8:30 p.m.: Winner vs. Paragould